Lyrics Author: 

Rû-i Siyâhım ile Dergâhe

Rû-i siyâhım ile dergâhe
Huzûr-u şeyhe niyâza geldim
Cürm ü günahım ile dergâhe
Huzûr-ı şeyhe niyâza geldim

El meded Sadeddin
Ene dahilek Sultan Sadeddin

Nefs eline düşmüş esirem ben
Derbeder gezmekten hakirem ben
Lutfeyle sultanım fakirem ben
Huzûr-u şeyhe niyaza geldim

Durmuş kapında bunca mürîdân
Serbende âciz baş açık üryan
Birlikte bu Muhtâr-ı perîşan
Huzûr-u şeyhe niyâza geldim

With My Face Blackened to the Dergah I Came

With my face blackened to the dergah I came
Came to the presence of the Shaykh to plead
With my faults and sins to the dergah I came
Came to the presence of the Shaykh to plead

Oh help me Sadeddin
I beg you O Sultan Sadeddin

I'm a slave who fell into the hand of the nafs,
Became worthless since I wandered vagrantly
Bless us your favor O Sultan, i am needy and poor
Came to the presence of the shaykh to plead

All your murids stand at your door
They bow in shame, helpless
Together with this miserable Muhtar
Came to the presence of the shaykh to plead



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